TurboChef’s Bread Pudding
500 g Milk
170 g sugar
2 large eggs
1 egg yolk
30 g dark rum
1 vanilla bean, scraping
3 large croissants, diced
100 g candied pecans
100 g raisins, soaked
Butter and sugar as needed to coat ramekins
Equipment Used and Settings
TurboChef I3
Set Temperature: 500°F / 260°C
Cook Time: 3:00
Event: 1
%Time: 100%
%Top Air: 50%
%Bottom Air: 40%
%Microwave: 40%
Butter and sugar 6 ramekins
Whisk milk, sugar, egg, egg yolk, rum and vanilla together
Soak the croissants and raisins in egg mixture for 20 minutes
After 20 minutes divide mixture among ramekins and cook using the setting above.
Remove and let cool.